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James Cameron/ Biography

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James Cameron/ Biography
Message de maelies posté le 24-01-2016 à 10:00:31 (S | E | F)
J'ai un devoir à rendre demain. Vous pouvez Pouvez-vous me dire s'il y a des erreurs svp se'il vous plait?

James Cameron is an incredible director, very talented and extremely famous all around the world. He produced a lot films which had become very big hits.
1) His childhood
James Cameron was born in Ontario, Canada, on August 16, 1954. He grew up in Chippawa, Canada. During his childhood, he was already interested in science fiction, he was fond of writing, inventing things and he was fascinated by painting. At age thirteen, he did his first exhibition in a local art gallery. Two years later, he saw a visionary film produced by Stanley Kubrick, for the first time. The movie’s title was “A Space Odyssey”. After he saw it, he had become fascinated with the whole motion picture process. In 1971, when Cameron moved to California with his family, he was only seventeen years old. Two years later, he went to college to study Physics, but after one year, he left school without a diploma. Then, he did odd jobs.

2) The rising star
At age twenty-three, he decided to enter cinema industry after he saw the movie “Star Wars” for the first time. Then, he shot his first short film called “Xenogenesis” with his friends. Seven years later, he wrote and directed a science fiction thriller. The title was “The Terminator”. This box office fit was a big surprise. “Terminator 2”released seven years after the first movie. This film needed to be shot in twelve months; very classy special effects was used. It was eventually a huge hit and James Cameron became a world celebrity. This film won four Academy Awards. That’s enormous!
Only three years later, Cameron didn’t end there. He shot his third film with the actor Arnold Scharzenegger. The movie, “True Lies”, was a financial success. In 1995, Cameron produced another film called “Strange days”. Though this movie wasn’t very successful, two years after, the director released one of the biggest hit ever: “Titanic”. This incredible film was the most expensive ever made at the time. Cameron won eleven Oscars with his tremendous movie.

3) More and more…
After this highly acclaimed film, the famous director had tried to write screenplay for Spiderman, but he had failed. So, two years later, he did TV series with empowered women, such as “Dark Angel”. Then, between 2002 and 2012, he released some documentaries. And more recently, after his blockbusters (such as “Terminator” or “Titanic”), Cameron shot a computer generated animation film called “Avatar”. He broke box office records. That was highest financial success of all the time. “Avatar” was a real success, all around the world. James Cameron won Golden Globes for Best Director and even Best Picture. That was amazing. And he wants to released “Avatar 2” and even “Avatar 3” in 2017 and 2018. I’m personally very impressed!
I don’t know if James Cameron is the Best Director ever, but
I won’t be surprised if he is finally. This man gives us dream.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-01-2016 14:42

Réponse: James Cameron/ Biography de gerondif, postée le 24-01-2016 à 11:03:25 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.

James Cameron is an incredible director, very talented and extremely famous all around the world. He produced a lot **(manque une préposition) films which had become (erreur de temps, étaient devenus ne va pas, mettez un prétérit) very big hits.
1) His childhood
James Cameron was born in Ontario, Canada, on August 16, 1954. He grew up in Chippawa, Canada. During his childhood, he was already interested in science fiction, he was fond of writing, inventing things and he was fascinated by painting. At age thirteen(style télegramme ou américain, j'aurais dit at the age of thirteen si ça n'est pas trop démodé), he did (organised) his first exhibition in a local art gallery. Two years later, he saw a visionary film produced by Stanley Kubrick, for the first time. The movie’s title was “A Space Odyssey”. After he saw it (after seeing it existe aussi), he had become(même erreur que plus haut) fascinated with the whole motion picture process. In 1971, when Cameron moved to California with his family, he was only seventeen years old. Two years later, he went to college to study Physics, but after one year, he left school without a diploma. Then, he did odd jobs.

2) The rising star
At age twenty-three, he decided to enter the cinema industry after he saw the movie “Star Wars” for the first time. Then, he shot his first short film called “Xenogenesis” with his friends. Seven years later, he wrote and directed a science fiction thriller. The title was “The Terminator”. This box office fit(?? hit?) was a big surprise. “Terminator 2” was released seven years after the first movie. This film needed to be shot in twelve months; very classy special effects was(pluriel) used. It was eventually a huge hit and James Cameron became a world celebrity. This film won four Academy Awards. That’s enormous!

Only three years later, Cameron didn’t end there(ça ne veut rien dire: 3 ans après, il ne s'est pas arrêté là, il n'a pas mis trois ans à "freiner" Ou alors, mettez le dans l'autre sens: il ne s'arrêta pas là! 3 ans plus tard, il tourna...). He shot his third film with the actor Arnold Scharzenegger. The movie, “True Lies”, was a financial success. In 1995, Cameron produced another film called “Strange days”. Though this movie wasn’t very successful, two years after(later), the director released one of the biggest hit(pluriel) ever: “Titanic”. This incredible film was the most expensive ever made at the time. Cameron won eleven Oscars with his tremendous movie.

3) More and more…
After this highly acclaimed film, the famous director had tried (vous ne connaissez apparemment pas la valeur du prétérit) to write the screenplay for Spiderman, but he had failed (idem) (je ne vois pas l'intérêt de mettre cette phrase au plus que parfait, ce qui veut dire que le narrateur change de point de vue temporel et se place ailleurs avant de revenir dans une trame au passé simple). So, two years later, he did TV series with empowered women, such as “Dark Angel”. Then, between 2002 and 2012, he released some documentaries. And more recently, after his blockbusters (such as “Terminator” or “Titanic”), Cameron shot a computer generated animation film called “Avatar”. He broke box office records. That was the highest financial success of all the time(pluriel). “Avatar” was a real success, all around the world. James Cameron won Golden Globes for Best Director and even Best Picture. That was amazing. And he wants to released(base verbale!) “Avatar 2” and even “Avatar 3” in 2017 and 2018. I’m personally very impressed!
I don’t know if James Cameron is the Best Director ever, but
I won’t be surprised if he is finally. (il vaudrait mieux mettre conditionnel + subjonctif) This man gives us dream. (maladroit: soit mettre dream au pluriel , soit traduire "nous fait rêver")

Réponse: James Cameron/ Biography de lucile83, postée le 24-01-2016 à 14:46:30 (S | E)
Je ne mettrais pas le cas possessif ici; je dirais plutôt James Cameron biography.

Réponse: James Cameron/ Biography de maelies, postée le 24-01-2016 à 18:21:38 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup!!
En réalité, je mettais du plus-que-parfait car ma professeur aurait aimé qu'il y en ait dans la biographie. Je ne sais pas vraiment comment le placer.. Mais ce n'est pas grave. Merci beaucoup, encore!


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