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Oral/Mythes et héros

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Oral/Mythes et héros
Message de kamillouka posté le 31-01-2016 à 14:43:37 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
pour mon oral de langue j'ai rédigé une synthèse. J'aimerais savoir si mon texte est correct,et si vous pouviez jeter un coup d'oeil me dire où il y a éventuellement des fautes et les indiquer si vous le souhaitez.
Un grand merci à ceux qui répondront.
Bon dimanche !

I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : A hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage and A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. In class we worked on the pilgrims fathers history. Why the history of the pilgrims fathers became a myth ? And they can be considered as heroes ? Then of what consists the American dream ?
I – The travel
For many thousands of years, many peoples immigrate left their country of birth. Some leave in shearch of better opportunities and improved standards of living. But other are bound for survival. That is exactly what we have seen in the class. Indeed in the BBC article and a video extract to Channel Video we discovered that in nineteen-twenty the british protestant , The Pilgrims Fathers were obliged to leave their own country. Because they were persecuted, indeed they lived under threat from a perpetual danger. Many were imprisoned or executed, they had the courage from leaking. The pilgrims fathers is heroes because they saved their communities. After a long travers in the may flower they arrived in the united states.
II – Difficulties
Always grace has the video and has the article explaining the history of the pilgrims fathers we discovered that: The pilgrims fathers met difficulties. In the first place when they arrived on the ground american they were able to state that they were not alone. They then were attacked by Indians group. But they succeeded in fight. After they met an other group of Indians who helped them. In effects they suffered from the clod, the climate in the United States is not the same that in England. Futhermore they had difficulty in feeding they could not cultivated so easily that in england. The pilgrims fathers showed a lot of courage and determination. And the native American of big generosities. Everything them two can be considered as heroes.
III – The american dream
In Bruce springsteen song we discovered a man who explained has her future wife when it left living the American dream. The American dream is the idea according to which any person living in the United States, by its work, his courage and its determination, can become rich. Many immigrants think of succeeding by leaving over there. But everybody not made a success not that is why we can the consider as being a myth.
Conclusion :
To end we can say that the story of the pilgrims father is a myth because they crossed of numerous tests and thanks to their determination and courage. They managed to survive by means of the Native American hero. Then to finish I think that are The pilgrims father which are at the origin of the American dream because they left without anything but one all the same made a success.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-01-2016 15:36

Réponse: Oral/Mythes et héros de laure95, postée le 31-01-2016 à 18:54:50 (S | E)
Merci. Bon dimanche à toi aussi.

- the pilgrims fathers history: faire un cas possessif.
- Why the history of the pilgrims fathers became a myth ?: tu voulais faire une question indirecte (construction correcte) ou une question directe (construction fausse)?
- And they can be considered as heroes ?
- Then of what consists the American dream ?: mal dit et mal construit.

- I – The travel
- many peoples immigrate (mal dit)left their country of birth.
- shearch: faute de frappe.
- and improved (pas la bonne forme du verbe) (mettre un possessif) standards of living.
- But other (à mettre au pluriel).are bound for (possessif) survival.
-in the (enlever l'article) class.
- Indeed in the BBC article and a video extract (mettre au participe passé) to (pas la bonne préposition)Channel Video
- the british (majuscule) protestant (pluriel)
- The pilgrims fathers is (conjugaison) heroes
-a long travers: ?
- in (pas la bonne préposition)the may flower (majsucule) they arrived in the united states (majuscule).

- II – Difficulties
-Always grace has the video and has the article: ?
- The pilgrims fathers met (pas dans ce contexte, chercher la traduction de "faire face à")difficulties.
- on the ground american: mal dit.
- by Indians group (seul le 2è mot est à mettre au pluriel).
- But they succeeded in fight: pas la bonne forme de FIGHT.
- In effects: ?
- not the same that: pas la bonne préposition.
- they had difficulty: à mettre au pluriel.
- they could not cultivate : COULD + INFINITIF.
- so easily that (préposition) in england (majuscule).
- And the native American: pluriel. of big generosities (singulier).
- Everything them two: ?

- III – The american (majuscule) dream
In Bruce springsteen song (cas possessif)we discovered a man who explained has her future wife when it (pas le bon pronom) left living (pas le bon verbe ici)the American dream.
- by its (pas le bon possessif) work, his courage and its (pas le bon possessif) determination, can become rich.
- But everybody not made a success not: mal construit.
- that is why we can the consider as being a myth.

- Conclusion :
- they crossed of (enlever préposition + pas le bon verbe)numerous tests.
- by means of the Native American hero: ?
- Then to finish I think that are (à enlever)The pilgrims father which (à enlever)are at the origin of the American dream
- but one all the same made a success: ?


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