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Correction/near my school

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/near my school
Message de deckeurs posté le 01-02-2016 à 19:34:00 (S | E | F)
can you correct this text please?
Thank you for any reply

IN Gossellies, this afternoon, near my school, I have seen before me a strange and distrought man hiding in his jacket a items. A policeman pursuing him in making his way among the many students completing school. Those latter were amused and amazed by this unusual show . In fact a steal had just been committed in a multi media store. This one fled to the nearest metro station. Always with the policeman on his pursuit.Finally the thief was arrested and taken to the police because in his haste tumbled in the steps of the metro station, so could not get up immediately. Despite him, he made his booty (it was a smartphone), he was not agressive or dangerous but juste a little stunned by is incredible fall.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-02-2016 21:35

Réponse: Correction/near my school de deckeurs, postée le 01-02-2016 à 21:59:20 (S | E)
Et donc lucile83 il n y a pas d erreur ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-02-2016 22:30
Je n'ai corrigé que la présentation de votre message, pas votre travail gerondif s'en est chargé.

Réponse: Correction/near my school de gerondif, postée le 01-02-2016 à 22:20:43 (S | E)
mais si mais si, rassurez-vous, il y a de quoi corriger .
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert:

IN Gossellies, this afternoon, near my school, I have seen(action datée, prétérit) before me a strange and distrought man hiding in his jacket an items(hiding something in his jacket est bien plus courant). A policeman (manque l'auxiliaire e^tre au prétérit)pursuing him ,(virgule)in making his way among the many students completing(to complete, c'est terminer un devoir, une tâche) school. Those latter(lourd, they va suffire) were amused and amazed by this unusual show . In fact a steal(mauvais choix, steal est un verbe pas un nom) had just been committed in a multi media store. This one (bof, c'est lourd, dites the shoplifter)fled to the nearest metro(tube en anglais, subway en américain) station. Always (mauvais choix de toujours always signifie continuellement alors que still signifie toujours au sens de encore)with the policeman on his pursuit(ne se dit pas).Finally the thief was arrested and taken to the police-station because in his haste,(manque le sujet il) tumbled in the steps of the metro station, so (sujet)could not get up immediately. Despite him,(sens? structure incorrecte) he made (sens? il a fabriqué son butin??)his booty (it was a smartphone), he was not agressive or dangerous but juste a little stunned by his incredible fall.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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