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La danse/aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


La danse/aide
Message de basmarie posté le 13-02-2016 à 20:32:37 (S | E | F)
je dois passer un oral en anglais mais je ne suis pas très forte.. Ce serait gentil si quelqu'un voudrait de vouloir bien jeter un coup d'oeil à mon travail et corriger les éventuelles fautes de vocabulaire ou grammaire. (il y en a sûrement beaucoup)

I danced since I am 4 years old. I began with the ballet dance during 1 year. It is my mother who put me in the dance because she found it was a good way to spread me. I liked very much this dance because I dressed all pink. I wore a tutu, a just man in the body, the tights and a pair of pink ballet shoes . I also had to wear a bun.I made a lot of shows and my parents were very proud of me. I have some photos and memories. I stopped the ballet dance because my friends stopped. I began the contemporary dance but I made that 1 year because I didn’t like it. I didn’t feel in my element. Thus, I made hip-hop during 1 year. I stopped this year because I wanted to change the sport. Now I play tennis but I shall like beginning the hip-hop again. I was in a private academy to Mariembourg. Only the walls of the building tempted to return inside. We have all in the life of the moments of solitude, sadness. In these moments there, the dance was my only remedy. For me, the way to express my feelings was the dance. As soon as I began dancing, I thought any more of nothing. The dance affected me because it is a way to share my feelings with the people which looks at me. When I danced, I felt of the enjoyment, the happiness because it pleased my close friends, especially my parents see me blooming in every show. I feel this enjoyment also because I feel free and in my element.The dance, it is also the friendship. We meet the people with who we share the same passion. I think that I shall never have of to stop the dance and my mother agrees with it.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-02-2016 21:29

Réponse: La danse/aide de here4u, postée le 13-02-2016 à 22:09:05 (S | E)
Hello !
I danced (si l'action continue dans le présent, il faut un present perfect + durée ... forme en -ing!)since I am 4 years old. I began with the ballet dance during 1 year. It is my mother who put me in the dance= fr traduit ... because she found it was a good way to spread me. I liked very much this dance(mauvaise place de "very much".) because I dressed all XX pink. I wore a tutu, a just man in the body, the tights and a pair of pink ballet shoes . I also hadordre des mots) to wear a bun.I made a lot of shows and my parents were very proud of me. I have some photos and memories. I stopped the ballet dance because my friends stopped. I began the contemporary dance but I made that XXX 1 year because I didn’t like it. I didn’t feel in my element. Thus, I made hip-hop during 1 year. I stopped this year because I wanted to change the sport. Now I play tennis but I shall like beginning= construction ; il faut un conditionnel ! the hip-hop again. I was in a private academy to Mariembourg. Only the walls of the building tempted to return veut rien dire !) We have all in the life of the moments of solitude, sadness. In these moments there, the dance was my only remedy. For me, the way to express my feelings was the dance. As soon as I began dancing, I thought any more of nothing. The dance affected me because it is a way to share my feelings with the people which looks+ aspect continu ... at me. When I danced, I felt of the enjoyment, the happiness because it pleased my close friends, especially my parents see me blooming in every show. I feel(TEMPS) this enjoyment also because I feel free and in my element.The dance, it is also the friendship. We meet the people with who we share the same passion. I think that I shall never have of to stop the dance and my mother agrees with it.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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