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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de aurel92 posté le 16-02-2016 à 14:54:06 (S | E | F)
Nouveau sur ce forum, j'ai fait appel à votre aide pour corriger les fautes qui traînent éventuellement sur le texte ci-dessous. Ce serait vraiment sympa de me les corriger, et si possible de m'expliquer mes erreurs.

Ladies, Gentlemen,
That's a pleasure for me to write this artice two days after the D-Day commermoration. This event was incredible. You can imagine people who have told their experience very sad, but they were really heroes. It was so difficult to speak about this type of situation, more than half a century after. They spoke about the war, the family, their situation. It was more than a luck for me to be here. We have seen Harold Baumgarten, maybe you know him, he is after on the TV and the radio. He was very nice he explained he participated in the unveilling of a new commemoration monument, which may be next to our school. After this type of commemoration, we changed our judgement about the war. These men explain « they are lucky to be here today » but that is not a chance to live in the field during the war. They lost friends, family, they killed people, the saw dead people, and that is not their fault. Theye were not employed as humans but as animals. I hope you appreicate this article, and think about this situation. You can not consider a soldier as a wimp.

Je vous remercie par avance de votre aide

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-02-2016 22:11

Réponse: Correction/expression de sherry48, postée le 16-02-2016 à 20:19:12 (S | E)

Ladies __ Gentlemen,
That's a pleasure for me to write this artice two days after the D-Day commermoration. This event was incredible. You can imagine __ people who have told their experience very sad,(word order) but they were really heroes. It was so difficult to speak about this type of situation, more than half a century after___. They spoke about the war, the (possessive adjective) family, their situation. It was more than a luck for me to be here. We have seen Harold Baumgarten, maybe you know him, he is after on the TV and the radio. He was very nice. He explained __ he participated in the unveilling of a new commemoration(adjective) monument, which may be next to our school. After this type of commemoration, we changed our judgement about the war. These men explain (past tense?) « they are lucky to be here today » but that is not a chance to live in the field during the war. They lost friends, family, they killed people, the saw dead people, and that is not their fault. Theye were not employed (another word goes better here) as humans but as animals. I hope you appreicate this article, and think about this situation. You can not consider a soldier (as) a wimp.

I think you can see what is wrong for some minor errors, such as spelling, so let's see how you can improve this text. In some cases you will need to consider if you have used the best verb tense. Bon courage, Sherry


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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