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Sujet/Myths and Heroes

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Sujet/Myths and Heroes
Message de flarbach45 posté le 26-03-2016 à 19:45:27 (S | E | F)
mon professeur d'anglais nous a donné un sujet à rendre pour mercredi, je vous remercie de bien vouloir me faire part de vos avis et de m'indiquer les corrections à y apporter.
En l'attente de vos réponses.
Voici le sujet:
Your country is in conflict with another country. Your government has decided to set up a volunteering campaign under military guidance. Would you be ready to join ?

If my contry is in conflict, I will defend democracy and I will fight totalitarian regimes. For all that, I don't want to die beacause I will take advantage of the life. For instance, I would like to participate a family meals. Also, I am afraid to join the battlefield because I like the nature and i don't want to destroy this.
If my contry is attacked, I will join the army for defend it and I save my relatives because for me, my relatives is very important, I love them and I will fight for us. Nevertheless, I won't want to stop my studies so I would like to become a engineer. I am afraid to join army because I am not a soldier and I am scared about living condition on the battlefield.
I wouldn't like to join army because the reason of the conflict is wrong and I am a little anti-war so I am not ready to kill people.The reason of the conflict is unvarnished political. We should borrow about America and Cuba. However my contry needs my help therefore I am going to join army even if I opposite of the reason of the conflict.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-03-2016 20:36

Réponse: Sujet/Myths and Heroes de laure95, postée le 29-03-2016 à 15:35:27 (S | E)
Your country is in conflict with another country. Your government has decided to set up a volunteering campaign under military guidance. Would you be ready to join ?

If my contry is in conflict, I will defend democracy and I will fight (il manque un préposition)totalitarian regimes. For all that, I don't want to die beacause I will take advantage of the life (rapport avec le sujet?). For instance, I would like to participate (préposition)a family meals ( A + MOT AU SINGULIER). Also, I am afraid to join the battlefield because I like the (pas d'article)nature and i don't want to destroy this: rapport avec le sujet?
If my contry is attacked, I will join the army for (TO)defend it and I save (futur)my relatives because for me, my relatives is (conjugaison)very important, I love them and I will fight for us (pas le bon pronom complément). Nevertheless, I won't want to stop my studies so I would like to become a engineer (A+ MOT COMMENCANT PAR UNE CONSONNE). I am afraid to join (article)army because I am not a soldier and I am scared about living condition (pluriel) on the battlefield.
I wouldn't like to join army because the reason of the conflict is wrong and I am a little anti-war so I am not ready to kill people.The reason of the conflict is unvarnished political . We should borrow about America and Cuba. However my contry needs my help therefore I am going to join army even if I (où est le verbe?)opposite of the reason of the conflict.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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