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Bac/Spaces and exchanges

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Bac/Spaces and exchanges
Message de jujubilingue posté le 13-04-2016 à 16:43:45 (S | E | F)
Je suis en Terminale S. Pouvez-vous m'aider corriger cette notion avant l'oral (c'est bientôt ). Merci beaucoup!!

Notion : Spaces and exchanges
I am going to talk about the notion of « Spaces and Exchanges ». To illustrate the notion, I’ve chosen to talk about the relations between the aborigines living in the Northern Canada and the Canadians because these populations lived in the same country but seem to be separated even if there are no borders between them.
Are culture, beliefs, and way of life, barriers comparable to borders?
To begin with, I am going to give the characteristics of the Northern Canada and the South Canada. Then, I am going to talk about the culture, languages, beliefs of both populations and finally, I will show the different barriers caused by these differences showing at the same time that a cohabitation is still possible.

Canada is a vast country where the climatic conditions are various. Indeed, the climate varies from temperate in the South to artic and subarctic in the North. Due to these harsh climatic conditions, most of the Canadian cities have been built in the South. Therefore, the major part of the Canadian population is concentrated in the South, in cities like Montreal or Toronto. Concerning, the aboriginal people they are isolated from the towns and are usually living in the North.

The climate, history and beliefs of the aborigines have shaped their way of life. They had to get acclimatized to sub-zero temperatures. As we can see in the text entitled “The top of the world” temperature in the North can reach -48,9 °C (forty-eight degrees Celsius). The aborigines had to feed in spite of the lack of vegetables growing in the North. In the text the narrator precises that fresh milk and vegetables are, (for the Inuit population) an exotic luxury. Aborigines also attach a big importance in nature. In the video “Life on reserve”, the young man who spent about a month with the aborigines said he was choked to see how beautiful the nature was in the reserve he stayed. The languages the aborigines speak and their traditions are various and different from the Canadian’s one.

These are the reasons why cohabitation between the Canadians people and them seems a bit difficult. In the document “Experimental Eskimos” we can understand how hard it can be to live in a community where the people did not share the same culture, beliefs…
Indeed the 7 intuits children who were removed from their Eastern artic homes suffered from this experience when they came back home because they didn’t know how to hunt, built an igloo. It was a traumatic experience: the 7 intuit even decided to submit a complaint against the Canadian government. They did not find their place in the aboriginal community. All of these things participate in creating a barrier among populations: the cultural and social barriers.

However, as showed in the document « Life on reserve », a cohabitation among these different populations is still possible. This cohabitation can be friendly, peaceful and pleasant. Indeed, to describe his experience among the native community, the young man in the report uses words like “marvelous “ or “ amazing“.

So, as a conclusion we can considered the fact that the cultural differences between two populations can represent a barrier comparable to a border as it contribute in separating and isolating both populations. However, it can also be seen as a good thing. In my opinion, going from one community to another can be a rewarding experience considering the fact that both populations can teach to each other what they know, what they have learnt.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-04-2016 17:16


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