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Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir

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Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir
Message de mgdze posté le 14-04-2016 à 14:37:27 (S | E | F)
Salut ! Bonjour,
je voudrais savoir si quelqu'un peut me dire si mon texte est en rapport avec la notion lieux et formes de pouvoir svp s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

The notion i’m going to deal with is : places and forms of power.
« Power » is the ability to control others, events, or resources; the ability to make things happen whitout resistance or opposition. That’s leads to conflict between those who have power and those who don’t.
For this notion I decided to answer the question: Does spying keep us safe?
To illustrate I decided to take the example of the movie "the immitation game ».
First,I am going to make a short summary of the movie and then show in what this movie is connected with this notion and then why spying does not keep us in security.

" The immitation game » is a movie of Morten Tyldum which redraws Alan Turing's life,who during the second war world, created a machine to decode codes of Nazis and so allow save many lives.
I find that this movie is interesting for this notion because it shows that the power imposed during the second war world was been able to be countered by Alan Turing and his team.
Here, we wonder if " does spying keeping us safe? ": with this movie we understand that thanks to Alan Turing’s espionage during the war, it allowed to save approximately 14 million lives thanks to his machine.
We can thus say that spy allows to have certain control.

This movie shows another facet of the espionage during the war. Indeed, after having run the Turing machine, it was necessary to control the number of Nazi’s attacks that English were capable of stopping without getting noticed by German, so that nobody understands that the mystery of the Enigma machine had was discovered.The Germans were certain that their communications were secure. They thought the Enigma Machine would allow them to pass secret war plans right under the Allies’ noses. It thus has to cost the life to a lot of people. We can thus say that the espionage does not keep us safe.
Even if you captured a German machine you couldn’t yet break the code. As Germans changed the settings daily, the code needed to be broken and quickly!

With this movie we were able to see various facets of the espionage: in one hand ,the safety is assured thanks to Alan Turing, but can always have limits in the face of the way to use this machine.I think personally that the espionage of Alan Turing has to remain a modele for the generations because in spite of constraints, as his treatment against homosexuality (because it was illegal in the time) or its charge of treason to its country, he always keep to finish his machine to shorten the Second World War.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2016 23:4


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