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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de valix posté le 24-04-2016 à 12:30:23 (S | E | F)
je dois effectuer un oral, sous forme de sketch en binôme pour une durée totale d'environ 7 min, nous avons déjà écrit le texte et nous venons vers vous afin de voir s'il y a d'éventuelles fautes ou alors des formulations à revoir.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide
Le sujet est sur une shopaholic, une accroc du shopping qui a un entretien avec son banquier.

-Hello, miss Parker, Have a seat.
-Hello mister McGill.
-“Six months,” “Six long months of excuses and prevarication. Now, I’d just like you to think about what that means for me. It means endless letters. Numerous phone calls. Hours of time and effort on my part and that of my assistant, Erica. Resources which, quite frankly, could be better spent elsewhere. Finally I think you’re taking your situation seriously . . . And you don’t turn up.
-Look, I’m very sorry I couldn’t make the last meeting, Things were a bit difficult for me at that time. But if we could reschedule . .
-“Reschedule!” ??
-“Listen, Please. Give me another chance. I really want to sort my finances out. I want to repay my overdraft. But I need you to help me. I’m . . .I’m asking you to help me, Mr. Mc Gill
-No, I can’t Mrs Parker. Your accompt is overdrawn. I have to find a solution with you. First, you have a wage ?
-Yes, but I have only a part-ime job.. Mr McGill, but last time you refused to give me a loan…
-Unfortunately, “buying clothes and makeup” was not deemed a suitable purpose for such a substantial unsecured loan, and your application has been turned down by our credit team.
-I missed my interview for a full-time because I did not have respectable clothes if you had grant me the loan , I can get this job. I’m sure !
-Do you write a lot of cheques or make most purchases by debit card?
-I use only my debit card.
-Look, miss, I have to tell you if you haven’t money on your bank account you can’t use the money that you have not… Listen you have to repay all yours loan, your mortgage, your debt… All !
-I’m coming to realize that my situation is hopeless, I can make an effort, look I have a part-time job in a librairy and I’m looking for another job and I’d like to deposit this check and 100£ cash.
-With pleasure.
-So what is my bank account balance now ?
-Mmh, let me check…you are in the red, your account is overdrawn, approximatively, 350£ and 20 cents.
-Ok, really, it is better that I thought ! so I can withdraw 20£ from my account ?
-No you have to learn how save your money… You can not borrow in our bank… Sorry
-But I don’t have any other bank account, and I need to live mister McGill. If you won’t to give me only 20£, what sould I do ?
-I don’t know but I have already blocked your debit card, The potential consequences for you of the late payment issue are dire and it’s impossible for you to continue to pay with credit. When you finish tout pay off, I can do something.
-Ok… And if you raise my debit card balance to permit me to live just for the week, like I said, I have a part-time job which allow me to pay off loan and debt, but not to live anymore. I need to eat and to drink you don’t understand mr. McGill!
-Oh yes, I understand I understand, but it’s not the first time you come crying to have some dollars, I’m sorry if I’m hungry mrs. Parker but you must be careful with your money, and you must use that correctly ! I can’t give you other crash advance.
-Oh… you’re right… but I like to buy whatever I want
-Look, you’re principal debt is a loan for a new car, a banker has granted you this loan some years ago, and he should not, you did not need a new car. I can’t give you other crash advance.
-I know, it was necessary and it’s my principal problem. I can make some effort to avoid some late payment, and to avoid you to give me other warning too.
-Mss Parker, we will meet you the next mouth to take stock of your situation.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-04-2016 14:22


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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