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Prison labour/oral

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Prison labour/oral
Message de valix posté le 24-04-2016 à 12:37:29 (S | E | F)
j'ai un oral en anglais, le sujet est un directeur de prison qui veut faire travailler ses prisonniers et un représentant de Colorado correctional Industry qui recherche un nouveau partenaire, et donc c'est un échange entre ces deux protagonistes. J'ai déjà écrit le texte du mieux que j'ai pu et j'aurais aimé savoir s'il y a des erreurs.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide

-Hello, My name is Jane Parker, I’m a manager of this prison and I want to have this interview because I want to introduce prison labor for my inmates.
-Hello Miss Parker, I’m Jimmy Mcgill, I’m the Spokesperson for Colorado Correctional Industry, thanks to receive me, nowadays I’m looking for some partners.
-I will be glad to be one of your partners. It will be rewarding.
-So tell me why should I employ a jailer instead an unemployed person?
-First, they are highly motivated. In fact, It allows inmates to lower the cost of their incarceration by contributing to the maintenance costs of correctional facilities.
-Ok it’s a good point if they are motivated but you know, Unions oppose convict labour because it violates conventions of the ILO, it’s not good for our brand image?
-Yes, but full company already uses prisoners and you know, and you can put forward that you help them for their come back to the real life and it provides a progressive rehabilitation model which might reduce reoffending.
-You think you really think that using serial killers we will improve our brand image ?
-No absolutely not ! these are only the prisoners who have committed minor crimes who can work
-You have convinced me. So are they qualified ?
-They are already work for a carpet company named “ truclala” for one year but they don’t renew the contract ?
-Oh why they don’t renew the contract ?
-Truclala decide to relocate their production in India.
-So they can take advantage of the lower wages?
-and less rigorous workplace standards in other countries Whereas us, we offer a US workforce. It provides low-cost, reliable and dedicated workforce.
-Yes you’re right ! But they are still inmates so it may be a risk…
-No, it may not ! It keeps inmates busy and prevents them from boredom and idleness. Moreover don’t worry ! I have already told you we select only reliable people !
-In any case the work is pretty simple. We are approximatively 60 programms, manufacturing goods and providing services to thousands of government and/or non-profit customers in Colorado. We operate businesses in the agricultural, manufacturing and service related fields. This wide diversity includes office furniture, metal fabricated goods, printing, leather products and much more. We are capable of meeting many needs, most specifically - yours..
-Ok! And what about the hours ?
-They will work from Monday to Friday from 2p.m to 6p.m. It suits you ?
-It suits me ! and what about the wage ?
-The wage will be 2 dollars per hour.
-2 dollars per hour?! It’s like slavery ! can you make a step, for them ? 5 dollars ?
-all I can do is 3.5 dollars ? deal ? We must remain competitive against foreign competition?
-mmmh… deal. but you provide workwear and transport !
-Yes course I provide workwear and the transport !
-it's useful when convicts are given meaningful training and marketable skills and adequate wage. And How many men would you hire?
-I need about thirty men ?
-Ok right ! and do you hire women, we have twenty women in our prison.
-Actually we have sewing work but they must already have worked in this field to be hire ! We are looking for fifteen women.
-Yes we have this kind of profile in our prison.
-Ok, Fine. Thanks for taking the time to learn about Colorado Correctional Industries. Your interest in our organization is truly appreciated.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-04-2016 14:28


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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