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Notion/Idea of Progress

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Notion/Idea of Progress
Message de drofca posté le 24-04-2016 à 18:08:29 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde
Si vous pouviez avec une grande gentillesse corriger ma notion .
Merci beaucoup !!

I’m going to talk about the notion of progress. Progress means an improvement in social condition which may shake up tradition. In my mind, India is a good illustration of this notion. This country for a long while was dominated by Great Britain. It is considering today, as an emerging country. Nevertheless, it shows a big contrast between the poverty and their well-developed part. We will ask ourselves in which extent we can consider India as a modern country.
We will first underline the traditions in India are very important. In a second parts, we will analyze the many inequalities remaining in India. And finally we will observe the great improvement of this country

I)India: a country with a significant tradition
Traditions play a major part in India. The religion is important in the society with more than 79% of the Indian population practicing Hinduism. Hinduism is described by certain authors as a “way of life”: more than a religion. The tradition accept vegetarianism, sacred cows, karma… For example, celebrations like “Ganesh Chaturthi” of Hindu God of Good Fortune, are very important. As we can see on the picture of CHOWPATTY by Veronique Durruty, woman continue to wear sari.
Still India has major inequalities, with 97 billionaires in 2015, the third highest in the world. However, in this country, almost one third of the Indian population live beneath the poverty line. We can see very well this contrast in the drama film: “Slumdog millionaire” where the principal character is born in a slum where hygiene or nutrition are no the priority. Certain of this inequalities are due to the tradition. The Indian family doesn’t want to have girl. We can hear in a radio report that girls ‘family still had to pay a dowry at the moment of the marriage. The lack of girl lead to another big problem: many Indian girls are victim of rape. Another aspect of the tradition is Caste system where part of population, the untouchable has no access to real progress.

II)The Progress in India
Nevertheless, India has made a big progression …. The country is considered by a journalist or the World’s largest democracy regarding of the numbers of inhabitant with 1.3 billion. Even the stability of the society was shaken several times, India remained a strong democratic country. with a GDP growth of 7%, India develop its economy especially in High-tech sector as the image of ITL headquarter (pyramid) in Bangalore. we can see in back of the picture of Chow patty that they construct new building with their benefits contrasting with Sari.

As conclusion we can say that India, a traditional country shows two sides. The first one shows a lot of inequalities: poverty, insecurity for women … To reduce that, the government put in place reforms to develop the economy. That is the second side of the India: It has also a great improvement. But today, this development is not advantageous for all.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-04-2016 18:47


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