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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de geckoo posté le 30-04-2016 à 07:50:42 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous.
Je suis nouveau sur le J'apprécierais beaucoup votre aide. Il s'agit d'une correction. J'ai une démo à présenter à mon éditeur bientôt - pas un livre, mais un jeu vidéo. J'ai composé plusieurs textes, lesquels sont exposés durant l'introduction.
Je voudrais juste savoir ce que vous en pensez. Est-ce bon ou mauvais? Auriez-vous la gentillesse d'apporter une correction? Je vous remercie pour votre gentillesse. J'espère pouvoir progresser en anglais grâce à vous.
Bonne fin de semaine à tous ++

(1)Hello. Welcome. Don't worry if all looks a bit disturbing on first sight. Rest assured that we will answer all your questions in a timely fashion. Above all, you must be obedient. That is the context of the process in which we are engaged in. Now we would like to check your capabilities. Do you see this key behind you? Take it and go out the door.

(2)Great. We continue. Experience had taught me this : to find out what you are capable of, it is only necessary to get a chance to do it. Well, calm down and try to get control of your emotions. Take the key and open the gray door.

(3)OK. Now the real fun begins. As a new life form, you can interact on shapes, using two colored dimensions - red and blue. When you dissolve the first, you recompose the second. You know - I am a computer, but I have no clue how I can clearly explain this capability. Try by yourself. In any case, one thing was certain - you could find here a few challenges to burn your brain.

(4)Amazing. The data were converted into an electronic format for analysis. In all cases, you must find a way to reach the exit as if the course of your life depended on it. Here, no one can harm you. As unlikely as it may seem, you cannot die. However, in abandoning the belief that more is always better, you could be wandering like a lost soul - and for eternity. Do you understand?

(5)All these rooms are driven by a binary behavior - something simple to understand, but hard to control. Here, red and blue are the primary colors. Also you switch on or you switch off some elements, you enable others or disable them, you unfold a dimension in order to close the other... This way, you can elaborate your strategy so as to progress in levels.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-04-2016 07:53

Réponse: Correction/texte de gerondif, postée le 30-04-2016 à 09:51:47 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert

(1)Hello. Welcome. Don't worry if it all looks a bit disturbing on at first sight. Rest assured that we will answer all your questions in good time in a timely fashion. Above all, you must be obedient (all you have to do is to obey the orders you will be given and everything is going to be all right). That is the context of the process in which we are engaged in. Now we would like to check your capabilities (capacities?). Do Can you see this key behind you? Take it and go out the door.go out of the room)

(2)Great. WeLet's continue. Experience had has taught me this : to find out what you are capable of, it is only necessary to get a chance(plutôt opportunity) to do it. Well, calm down and try to get control of your emotions. Take the key and open the gray door. (gray en américain, grey en anglais)

(3)OK. Now the real fun begins. As a new life form, you can interact on shapes, using two colored dimensions - red and blue. When you dissolve the first, you recompose the second. You know - I am a computer, but I have no clue how I can clearly explain this capability. Try by yourself. In any case, one thing was is certain - you could find here a few challenges to burn your brain.

(4)Amazing. The data were converted into an electronic format for analysis. In all cases, you must find a way to reach the exit as if the course of your life depended on it. Here, no one can harm you. As unlikely as it may seem, you cannot die. However, in abandoning the belief that more is always better, you could be wandering like a lost soul - and for eternity. Do you understand?

(5)All these rooms are driven by a binary behavior - something simple to understand, but hard to control. Here, red and blue are the primary colors. Also (If au sens de si) you switch on or you switch off some elements, you enable others or disable them, you unfold a dimension in order to close the other... This way, you can elaborate your strategy so as to progress in levels. (to climb up to the next level)
bip bip......

Réponse: Correction/texte de geckoo, postée le 30-04-2016 à 12:22:20 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup Gerondif. C'est vraiment super sympa d'avoir corrigé mon texte.
Je suis vraiment enchanté. You made my day.

Modifié par geckoo le 30-04-2016 12:22

Modifié par geckoo le 30-04-2016 23:14

Réponse: Correction/texte de gerondif, postée le 30-04-2016 à 12:26:10 (S | E)
D'habitude , c'est Clint Eastwood qui dit ça et ça se termine mal pour celui d'en face!

Au fait, vous diriez: (Un truc pour ne plus se tromper entre é et er )
C'est vraiment super sympa d'avoir corrigé / corriger mon texte.
C'est vraiment super sympa d'avoir compris / comprendre mon texte.
C'est vraiment super sympa d'avoir lu / lire mon texte.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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