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Bac/Myths and Heroes

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Bac/Myths and Heroes
Message de newphyte posté le 30-04-2016 à 08:28:27 (S | E | F)
mon oral de Bac en anglais approche à grand pas et j'aimerais quelques aides conseils pour la correction.
Merci beaucoup pour ceux et celles qui auront le courage et la gentillesse de m'aider.

Introduction : I'm going to talk about the notion "myths and heroes". According to different cultures, a hero is a myth, a legendary character, an ideal. For others, a hero is simply courageous and anonymous persons, giving freely of themselves, as many characters from teenmovies, Hungergames or Divergent for example. And it is this diversity of definitions that makes the hero a character eliciting the interest of artists, directors but also viewers and readers, even today as we can see with Captain America : Civil War's film, and Marvel's film in kind of general which always work good. So, we may wonder what are the different definitions of hero that can be found in the seventh art. So, let's start !

When one speaks of the hero, the first thing that comes to us, are the superhero. As I have said, there are a lot of fantastic movies about superhero, with marvel's films or DC Comic's films with Thor, Captain America, Ironman, Spiderman, etc. They are demigods, who obviously do not exist, and who are very strong, and have super-powers, and who kill the villains, and who save the good guys, and it's all. Nothing else. Nothing really thorough. Except one movie.
The Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan shows that batman is a human and not a superhero. In that movie, Batman and his acts are criticized not only by his enemies, but also by others, people who want the best for Gotham city, because they doubt the legitimacy of his fight. The film then raises questions about the quest of the hero and the way he needs to convey its messages.
But, in reality, Batman doesn't exist. Does it mean that heroes are only myths or legends ?

Next, we're going to see that heroes in movies aren't just fictional characters. Indeed, there are a lot of biopics which show characters who are really existed. For example, there is 300's film which talks about the Spartans versus the Persians. They're heroes because of their strenght and their bravery.
Moreover, there is the film called "Mandela : Long walk to freedom". In its trailer, Mandela can be considered as a hero because he says at his trial, "freedom is an ideal for which he is prepared to die". But, we also can undersand that Mandela and his acolytes decide to use violence to fight against apartheid. So, we can ask ourselves : Is a hero should always act according to its values?

Finally, let's see how movie can ..
Dexter is a serie adapted from Jeff Lindsay's novel which deals with a murderer who kills just the killers. 'cause He's a psycho and he's got urges. So, that serie is showing the complexities related to the notion of hero. Yea, Dexter is a muderer psychopate, but, he kills killers, villains, he helps society. Does that make him a hero ? I don't really think so, because, even if he's killing the villains, he seems to do not care about what is right and fair.

In conclusion, we can say that movies show a lot of different definition of hero : a superman with super powers or an activist who has to make big choices to convey its messages. Also, they even make us wonder about what makes a hero with Dexter's serie for example. Futhermore, in this novel, Dexter says "Still a monster, of course, but I cleaned up nicely afterwards, and I was OUR monster, dressed in red, white and blue 100 percent synthetic virtue.". This ironic quote cans remind us about the representation of America in movies. Indeed, the USA are always the saviors and the good charatercs in films (Rambo, Godzilla, Captain America), even if they aren't alway as pure as the driven snow. (je trouve que la dernière phrase est un peu bof)

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-04-2016 09:47


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