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Aide/ conjugaison
Message de mickelange posté le 01-09-2016 à 17:35:11 (S | E | F)
I'll try to write a little text. I need your correction please.
Thank you for your help.

I was just waking up that I realised I was late. It has been a long night and i slept lately and I will probably be late at work too. I've started thinking about Peter who was conviced to go to that birthday and suceed to convince me too. Now that i'm thinking about it that was weird but when a friend call for help cannot be absent. While i was trying to wear my clothes, i realised it was not my room, not even my home. I had never imagine that i could woke up in another house than mine.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-09-2016 17:57

Réponse : Aide/ conjugaison de costo, postée le 02-09-2016 à 22:18:31 (S | E)
Hello Mickelange.
I won't take back all the text because of writing with a phone.
... night and I(always write "I" with a capital)...probably be late (I suggest "for the service")...who... to that(what birthday?)...and suceed(omission of a "c")...about it(put a ",")...a friend call(3rd pers of simple present) help(a "," and think to the subject of cannot be) was not my room (nor my home)...imagine(past participle) I could(infinitive without to)...another house than the mine.

Réponse : Aide/ conjugaison de razzor, postée le 03-09-2016 à 17:12:35 (S | E)
The mistakes are in blue.
"I was just waking up that choose another word I realised I was late. It has been wrong tense a long night and i capital letter slept lately you need the adjective form and I will probably be late atwrong preposition work too. I've started thinking about Peter who was conviced spelling to go to that birthday and suceed spelling to convince me not the right form with the verb 'to succeed' too. Now that i'm capital letter thinking about it (that was weird but when a friend call for help cannot be absent) is this in the past? Maybe translating this into French could help me understand and correct it. While i capital letter was trying to wear my clothes, i capital letter realised it was not my room, not even my home. I had never imagine past participle that i capital letter could woke 'woke' is the preterite form of the verb. What is the infinitive? up in another house than mine."

Just a few pointers to help you:
- réussir à faire = to succeed in doing
- The pronoun 'I' is always written as a capital letter
Now try and correct the text yourself

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-09-2016 21:24

Réponse : Aide/ conjugaison de here4u, postée le 04-09-2016 à 00:02:18 (S | E)
Hello !
A few additions to razzor's corrections!
I will insist on the absolute necessity of capitalizing "I". Not doing so is a huge mistake and a proof of carelessness in tests!
- I've started(the tense is wrong!) thinking
- to go to that birthday XXXXX
-(that was weird but when a friend call for help(Subject?) cannot be absent) is this in the past? Maybe translating this into French could help me understand and correct it.(Even when translating and imagining what you wanted to express, this makes no sense!)
- to wear (wrong verb!) my clothes,

Courage !

Réponse : Aide/ conjugaison de mickelange, postée le 05-09-2016 à 17:12:22 (S | E)
Thank you for the help. I've tried my best and here are the modifications

I was just waking up while I realised I was late. It had been a long night and I slept late and I will probably be late for my service too. I started thinking about Peter who was convinced in going to that birthday and had succeed to convince me too. Now that I'm thinking about it, that was weird but when a friend call for help, cannot be absent. While I was trying to wear my clothes, I realised it was not my room nor my home. I had never imagined that I could wake up in another house than mine.

ps: please the last sentence is my main difficulty i wanted to say "je n'avais jamais imaginé que j'aurais pu me reveiller dans une autre maison que la maison que la mienne" thanks if you could help in translating this and correct again my text (and for before last sentence it will i mixed the tenses, the first part is in the past and the second part is the present in french they call it "présent de vérité générale")


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