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Mercury theatre/aide

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Mercury theatre/aide
Message de xax0 posté le 08-09-2016 à 15:16:27 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous !
Je dois écrire un texte en anglais et j'aurais besoin d'aide s'il vous plait pour qu'on m'indique mes erreurs pour que je puisse les comprendre et les corriger.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses !

On October 30, 1938, from the Mercury Theater in New York City, Orson Welles and his actors broadcasted a “modernized” radio play adapted from H.G. Wells’s science fiction classic, THE WAR OF THE WORLDS. In the broadcast, a fake CBS’ newscaster announces a Martian invasion as a breaking news. Regrettably, a lot of people believed to the Martians attack, and were panic-struck. But today, it must be different.
In fact, remember that during the 1930 years, the only way to get informed was the radio. Radio was the only way to keep the contact with the outside world. Actually, there were no technologies like television, smartphone, Internet or computer to inform people live. Therefore people believed everything they hear, and did not think that they could be deceived by radio media, because at the time the main role of the press was to keep informed the public of all what is happening in their country and all around the world. Unlike to today where the press rather search to make the Buzz !!
As far as I’m concerned I don’t think that a radio TV program could cause such a collective panic today ! Firstly because nowadays we have a lot of ways to be alerted ! We still using radio, certainly , but it has a less important impact on population. Now we have new media : television which has a huge impact, papers which are more numerous and and the Internet which has been used for some years now.. And people trust the information because there are pictures, videos, which are like evidences to confirm a breaking news for example. So when there is an information as important as a Martians attack, the news is everywhere, on radio, TV, newspapers and internet. Making that if an information source cheats like CBS in 1938, it’s not credible because of the others information source.
So in my opinion, today it’s impossible to cause a collective panic because everybody is tuned into the world every time, everywhere…

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-09-2016 18:55


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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