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Message de aoum posté le 06-12-2016 à 13:52:39 (S | E | F)
j'ai essayé de traduire la conclusion du dossier d'une amie pour l'aider, serait-il possible de m'aider à le corriger s'il vous plait?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

My work named « looking for an efficient caring in the end of life », talks about the best medical way to take care of people at the end of they life. More specifically, I’m interested in what the team’s cohesion can play into it.
I’m questioning myself through the way people have been taking care of at the end of they life, the actual health’s politic and the team’s cohesion about «  In what the team’s cohesion can be a key element on the efficiency in the caring for people at the end of they life? »
Thanks to the professionnel I have been interrogating and the researches in scientific’s books and works , I have been able to take a wild guess. The team work garantie the best caring for people at this moment of they life.
This work with the help of the definitions and comprehensions of those concepts was for me the occasion to understand better this phenomena.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-12-2016 14:59

Réponse : Conclusion/dossier de gerondif, postée le 06-12-2016 à 14:57:23 (S | E)
ce texte est bien accidenté! De plus, dans ce domaine sensible de la fin de vie, vous devez vous tromper d'expression quand vous dites: "I have been able to take a wild guess. "

En effet, le dictionnaire en ligne accessible par double-click sur un mot donne:
take a wild guess v expr informal (make an uneducated estimate) dire au hasard vtr + adv
example: I've no idea how many beans are in the jar, but I'll take a wild guess and say 5000.
Je ne pense pas qu'après étude et consultation de professionnels, vous puissiez "parler au pif".

Erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.
My work named « looking for an efficient caring in the end of life », talks(un texte n'a pas de cordes vocales et ne peut pas "talk") about the best medical way to take care of people at the end of they(they = ils. their = leur, adj possessif) life. More specifically, I’m interested in what the team’s cohesion (the cohesion of the team me parait préférable, la cohésion s'applique à l'équipe et ne lui appartient pas) can play (confusion avec put, je pense)into it.
I’m questioning myself through the way people have been taking care of at the end of they life, the actual health’s politic and the team’s cohesion about « In what way the team’s cohesion can be a key element on the efficiency in the caring for people at the end of they life? » (cela fait répétition)
Thanks to the professionnel I have been interrogating and the researches in scientific’s books and works , I have been able to take a wild guess. The team work garanties the best caring for people at this moment of they life.
This work with the help of the definitions and comprehensions of those concepts was for me the occasion(opportunity) to better understand this phenomena.(ce mot en a est un pluriel latin comme maximum, maxima)

Réponse : Conclusion/dossier de aoum, postée le 06-12-2016 à 17:03:32 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour cette correction.

J'ai essayé d'apporté des corrections en suivant vos conseils, est-ce mieux?

My work named « looking for an efficient care in the end of life », is about the best medical way to take care of people at the end of their life. More specifically, I’m interested in what the cohesion of the team can put into it.
Through the way medical staff take care of people of at the end of their life, the actual health politic and the cohesion of the team I ended up with that question«  In what way the team’s cohesion can be a key element on the efficiency in the taking care for people at the end of their life? »
Thanks to the professionnel I have been interrogating and the researches in scientific’s books and works , I have been able to go deeper into my reflexion. The team work garantie the best taking care for people at this moment of their life.
This work with the help of the definitions and comprehensions of those concepts was for me the opportunity to understand better this phenomenon.

Réponse : Conclusion/dossier de gerondif, postée le 06-12-2016 à 18:56:10 (S | E)

My work named « looking for(signifie qu'on cherche quelque chose qu'on a perdu; care ne prend pas d'article. Vouliez-vous dire: essayer de fournir les meilleurs soins en fin de vie ? Trying to provide the best care at the end of life . Comment obtenir .... How to get efficient care at the end of one's life ?) ? an efficient care in the end of life », is about the best medical way to take care of people at the end of their life. More specifically, I’m interested in what the cohesion of the team can put into it.
Through the way medical staff take care of people of at the end of their life, the actual (au sens de réel ? sinon c'est un faux ami. actually signifie en réalité. Il faudrait dire today's health policy (policy au sens de politique, façon de se comporter, à ne pas mélanger avec politics, la politique "politicienne") health politic and the cohesion of the team,(virgule) I ended up with that question« In what way can(inversion) the team’s cohesion be a key element in the efficiency in the taking care for people at the end of their life? » (Cette dernière phrase est bien lourde! On pourrait dire: To what extent does the cohesion of the team contribute effectively to the good care of patients at the end of their life ?)
Thanks to the professionnel I have been interrogating and the researches(mot collectif, pluriel maladroit) in scientific’s(l'adjectif va suffire, l's ne va pas) books and works , I have been able to go deeper into my reflexion. The team work garanties the best (taking) care for people at this moment of their life.
This work with the help of the definitions and comprehensions of those concepts was for me the opportunity to understand better this phenomenon.


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