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Film/ Sully

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Film/ Sully
Message de arpagiont posté le 10-12-2016 à 10:16:34 (S | E | F)
Je sens que je dois un peu travailler mon anglais écrit que je n'ai pas beaucoup d'occasions d'exercer. Du coup j'ai écrit un petit texte pour m'entrainer. Ce serait vraiment sympa d'y jeter un coup d'oeil.
Je précise qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un devoir ou que sais-je encore, ça fait pas mal de temps que je n'ai plus ces obligations.
Bon weekend à tous!! Et grand merci pour votre lecture!

The movie legend Clint Eastwood has chosen to tell a true story for his 34th movie and 86st anniversary. The 15st January 2009, the flight 1549 US Airways took off from the airport of LaGuardia in New-York. After having lost his two motors, the captain Chelsea « Sully » Sullenberger decided to land on the Hudson river. Miraculously the 155 passengers and the crew survived. It was the first time in the history of aviation that an airliner made a successful sea-landing. The news is shared all around the world and Sully became a modern hero. That’s what we read in the newspapers in 2009. Eastwood has decided to focus on what happened to Sully and his crew just after the crash. The insurance didn’t want to pay and an investigation was opened in order to decide if finally Sully had taken the right decision or not. This film is really based as a feel-good movie, the message is twice, firstly we need men who dare and secondly enjoy life because you don’t know how long it will last. Sully is the hero that America needs, the good news in an ocean of daily bad news. But this hero is really human and maybe it’s the most important. He has a family, his problems, a mortgage, and he doubts quite a lot. Tom Hanks beautifully interprets the captain and Clint Eastwood one more time is really effective, although quite classic, in his choices. However, I felt this unpleasant feeling that the film lacks material. As it was difficult to tell this story during 90 minutes (the classical minimum length of a film).

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-12-2016 18:11

Réponse : Film/ Sully de gerondif, postée le 10-12-2016 à 19:29:47 (S | E)
Un point à réviser: The disparait dès que le nom est qualifié par un détail qui le suit:
The queen is here = * Queen Elizabeth is here.
The inspector is waiting = * Inspector Columbo is asking for you! " Of, I almost forgot, why did you ...........
Go into the room = go to * room 45.
* Flight 452 is arriving at * gate number 8.

+ les dates:
I saw him in 1980, in March 1980, on March 3rd, 1980, on the third of March, 1980, on Wednesday, March 3rd, 1980.

erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
The movie legend Clint Eastwood has chosen to tell a true story for his 34th movie and 86st anniversary. The 15st January 2009, the[ flight US Airways 1549 took off from the airport of LaGuardia in New-York. After having lost his two motors,
l'anglais pourrait dire aussi "after losing his two engines, both engines." et c'est le cas dans le film où on entend le contrôleur aérien dire : "He's lost both engines":
the captain Chelsea « Sully » Sullenberger decided to land on the Hudson river. Miraculously, the 155 passengers and the crew survived. It was the first time in the history of aviation that an airliner had made a successful sea-landing. The news is(prétérit) shared all around the world and Sully became a modern hero. That’s what we read in the newspapers in 2009. Eastwood has decided to focus on what happened to Sully and his crew just after the crash. The insurance didn’t want to pay and an investigation was opened in order to decide if finally Sully had taken the right decision or not. This film is really based(conçu?) as a feel-good movie, the message is twice(twice signifie deux fois, et non pas double), firstly we need men who dare and secondly enjoy life because you don’t know how long it will last. Sully is the hero that America needs, the good news in an ocean of daily bad news. But this hero is really human and maybe it’s the most important. He has a family, his problems, a mortgage, and he doubts quite a lot. Tom Hanks beautifully interprets the captain and Clint Eastwood one more time is really effective, although quite classic (classical?), in his choices. However, I felt(had) this unpleasant feeling that the film lacks(prétérit pour la concordance des temps) material. As (à relier à la phrase précédente, sinon, cette subordonnée n'a pas de principale. Since irait bien aussi au sens de puisque, (it was difficult to tell this story during 90 minutes (the classical minimum length of (for) a film).

Alors, les deux pendant, la différence entre for et during:
He was ill for two hours during the trip: Il fut malade pendant deux heures pendant le voyage.
WHEN was he ill ? During the trip (pendant, au cours du voyage, complément de temps)
HOW LONG was he ill ? He was ill for two hours (pendant deux heures, complément de durée)

Comparez: You will be transfused for 90 minutes (durée)
During the ninety minutes of the visit, you will meet different guides in different rooms.(au cours de la visite)

P.S. Je suis allé voir le film ce matin et n'y ai pas trouvé de longueurs.

Réponse : Film/ Sully de arpagiont, postée le 12-12-2016 à 10:35:11 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup cette réponse très complète! Merci pour les rappels des règles!
J'ai par contre du mal à percevoir la différence entre "classic" et "classical". Dans ma phrase, j'entends (de manière purement subjective) par "classique" que le réalisateur utilise des techniques efficaces mais qui ont déjà été utilisées à de nombreuses reprises par le passé. (ex.: raconter l'histoire de quelques passagers séparément)
J'ai trouvé ceci Lien internet

Mais après lecture, j'ai toujours tendance à vouloir utiliser classic, pourrais-tu m'éclairer? Merci beaucoup d'avance.

Réponse : Film/ Sully de gerondif, postée le 12-12-2016 à 10:48:38 (S | E)
oui, en effet j'ai fait une erreur sur classical, je trouvais que classic sonnait trop français mais en fait, c'est juste.

Réponse : Film/ Sully de violet91, postée le 12-12-2016 à 10:49:40 (S | E)

Hello arpagiont ,
You could not keep the word 'anniversary ' nor '86st' , could you ? Birthday for his age and anniversary ...for ... let 's say his latest wedding anniversary .
Interesting to compare different opinions on the film . I found it quite interesting as a testimony and an example of unfairness ! ...but what I was not especially keen on , was the quantity of 'I love you ' heard in it as if everybody loved everybody in American life .
So long .


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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