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Article journal/fautes

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Article journal/fautes
Message de ciryond posté le 12-01-2017 à 14:53:54 (S | E | F)
j'ai un journal à réaliser et nous avons dû écrire des petits articles, y a t-il des fautes dans mon texte s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses

The 13rd edition of Polymanga convention will be held on april 2017 and will propose you the best of the pop-culture and video game in a good atmosphere. An opportunity not to be missed by the geek community ! This new edition will take place in Switzerland in Montreux . On the agenda concerts, show, special guests, video game tournament and cosplay competition. The past year has been attendance record with 40.000 visitors.
Why these conventions and this new culturehave they such an influence on the young people ?
Read our article to know more about it !

Samsung Galaxie Explosion
The Samsung Galaxie Note 7 had to be annonce the best smarthphone of the moment. But,
a little time after its output, the Note 7's battery begin to ignite and some others blow up. After these event there, the giant Korean reassure his customers by saying that the Samsung Galaxie S7 and S7 Edge doesn't blow up and the production wasn't stop. But many accidents brouth back to the media, to the authorities and to Samsung shows varied blow up on many Samsung Galaxie S7 and S7 Edge.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-01-2017 22:28

Réponse : Article journal/fautes de gerondif, postée le 12-01-2017 à 17:29:08 (S | E)
Réponse: Oui! Vous avez bien fait de passer !
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert

The 13rd( Ah dommage! The third donne bien 3rd mais the thirteenth donne 13th! Aller! 20 pompes!) edition of Polymanga convention will be held on april 2017 (majuscule) and will propose you(le verbe n'est pas transitif) the best of the pop-culture and video game(pluriel) in a good atmosphere. An opportunity not to be missed by the geek community ! This new edition will take place in Switzerland in Montreux . On the agenda, concerts, show(pluriel), special guests, video games tournament(pluriel) and cosplay competition. The past year has been(plutôt le participe passé de see) attendance record( dans l'autre sens a record attendance) with 40.000 visitors.
Why these conventions and this new culture have they such an influence on the young people ?(ouah, la forme interrogative est à revoir! auxiliaire do)
Read our article to know more about it !

Samsung Galaxie Explosion
The Samsung Galaxie Note 7 had to be annonce(mettez announce au prétérit passif) the best smarthphone of the moment. But,a little time after(shortly after est plus courant) its output, the Note 7's battery begin(prétérit irrégulier) to ignite and some others blow(idem) up. After these event(pluriel) there, the giant Korean (dans l'autre sens) reassure(prétérit) his(si on personnifie le géant) customers by saying that the Samsung Galaxie S7 and S7 Edge doesn't(prétérit) blow up and the production wasn't stop(participe passé). But many accidents brouth(beaucoup de participes passés irréguliers se terminent en ght. Un truc: "j'ai acheté") back to the media, to the authorities and to Samsung shows(pluriel, le sujet est many accidents) varied blow up(ce nom convient mal, ou alors il faut le mettre au pluriel) on many Samsung Galaxie S7 and S7 Edge.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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