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Notion/Myths and heroes

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Notion/Myths and heroes
Message de sisousou posté le 12-02-2017 à 20:49:37 (S | E | F)
quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider à corriger ma notion sur Myths and heroes svp s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

I'm going to deal with the notion Myths and heroes. First , I will define this notion. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition. A myth is often illustrated with a character : The hero. somone who is admired for his or her achievement. I choose the theme of American Dream for illustrate the notion. American dream is a road to success which made united states a land of immigration. But it is a myth like we know it or their are an other reality ? First, I will speak about it with the song of Bruce Spingsteen then i will talk about Thanksgiving and J.Kennedy two image of american dream.

American dream is the ideal that everyone have an equal opportunity to achieve success and properity with hard work, determination and initiative. It is meaning, it doesn't matter where you from, what can of familly you grow up. What's school you went or how much money your parents have. Indeed the song « the land of marvels » by Bruce Springsteen illustrate this idea. The USA is described as a nation of immigrants. The different waves of immigration are listed. Because the USA is a land of opportunity  people are rich, they buy luxury thngs: «  gold comes rushing out the weavers straight into your hands » «  there is diamonds in the sidewalk » but he is also describe another reality: the immigrants died when they build infrastructures. So it's an illusion because when they come in America, they don't become really rich. Therefore, there are differences between the reality and the myth of the American Dream. 

Another typically image of this myth: Thanksgiving. It's a festival who is celebrated on the last Thursday of November. For this occasion, Americans thanks god for giving America,. This celebration symbolizes sharring, solidarity and gives a perfect image of the USA.
But What is the real origins of the celebration ?
Thanksgiving representes the arrival of the Europeens in the USA. But people forget the help of the Indians for grow food for the Europeens. The celebratons was contested for a moment because somepeope think, Thanksgiving celebrates the violent conquest of the Europeens over the Natives. Today, this population lives in reservations or is addicted to alcohol. A tragic history for the people who helped Americans

Now, I will talk about an hero which is not as perfect as his image.We know J. Kennedy, a celebrate president of USA. First, he 's the symbole of the Family Man. But in reality he had a lots of love affaire, in particular that of Marilyn Monroe. Moreover, he has metal things in his bones because he was sick., Kennedy was also suspect to have the vote of San giancana, So maybe he was connected with the mafia. Some susption who describe the opposite of his reputation of young, dynamic and honestly president. And above all, he had a mysterious die, he was assasined and anybody find the snipper called «  the magical ball »

So, their have a reality behind the myth of American Dream. Today, People says american dream is dead. sure for some people it become true, for exemple Arnold scharzengger. But what about the rest ? Finally, The probleme is the impossibility of upward social and economic mobility. For many reasons : Parent education and childhood developement, college drop out by down class and the presence of poverty for exemple in ghettos.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-02-2017 20:52

Réponse : Notion/Myths and heroes de phil512, postée le 13-02-2017 à 06:26:16 (S | E)
Bonjour !
Ne pensez-vous pas que vous pourriez déjà nous représenter ce texte :
1. Après correction de nombreuses fautes d'orthographe ou de frappe manifestes, corrections largement à la portée de quelqu'un qui peut aborder un tel sujet (exemples en bleu) ?
2. Après correction de quelques accords de verbes, tout aussi manifestes(exemples en bleu souligné)?
3. Après utilisation de mots de vocabulaire anglais qui ne soient pas du "français anglicisé" et qu'un bon dictionnaire vous fournira, pour l'essentiel, sans difficulté (exemples en vert)
4. Après utilisation systématique de l'article défini avant United States, American Dream, etc.
La ponctuation pourrait aussi être améliorée, avant même qu'on entre dans la linguistique, ce que nous ferons après lecture d'un texte décemment présenté.
Merci d'avance et bon travail !

I'm going to deal with the notion Myths and heroes. First , I will define this notion. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition. A myth is often illustrated with a character : The hero. somone who is admired for his or her achievement. I choose the theme of American Dream for illustrate the notion. American dream is a road to success which made united states a land of immigration. But it is a myth like we know it or their are an other reality ? First, I will speak about it with the song of Bruce Spingsteen then i will talk about Thanksgiving and J.Kennedy two image of american dream.

American dream is the ideal that everyone have an equal opportunity to achieve success and properity with hard work, determination and initiative. It is meaning, it doesn't matter where you from, what can of familly you grow up. What's school you went or how much money your parents have. Indeed the song « the land of marvels » by Bruce Springsteen illustrate this idea. The USA is described as a nation of immigrants. The different waves of immigration are listed. Because the USA is a land of opportunity people are rich, they buy luxury thngs: « gold comes rushing out the weavers straight into your hands » « there is diamonds in the sidewalk » but he is also describe another reality: the immigrants died when they build infrastructures. So it's an illusion because when they come in America, they don't become really rich. Therefore, there are differences between the reality and the myth of the American Dream.

Another typically image of this myth: Thanksgiving. It's a festival who is celebrated on the last Thursday of November. For this occasion, Americans thanks god for giving America,. This celebration symbolizes sharring, solidarity and gives a perfect image of the USA.
But What is the real origins of the celebration ?
Thanksgiving representes the arrival of the Europeens in the USA. But people forget the help of the Indians for grow food for the Europeens. The celebratons was contested for a moment because somepeope think, Thanksgiving celebrates the violent conquest of the Europeens over the Natives. Today, this population lives in reservations or is addicted to alcohol. A tragic history for the people who helped Americans

Now, I will talk about an hero which is not as perfect as his image.We know J. Kennedy, a celebrate president of USA. First, he 's the symbole of the Family Man. But in reality he had a lots of love affaire, in particular that of Marilyn Monroe. Moreover, he has metal things in his bones because he was sick., Kennedy was also suspect to have the vote of San giancana, So maybe he was connected with the mafia. Some susption who describe the opposite of his reputation of young, dynamic and honestly president. And above all, he had a mysterious die, he was assasined and anybody find the snipper called « the magical ball »

So, their have a reality behind the myth of American Dream. Today, People says american dream is dead. sure for some people it become true, for exemple Arnold scharzengger. But what about the rest ? Finally, The probleme is the impossibility of upward social and economic mobility. For many reasons : Parent education and childhood developement, college drop out by down class and the presence of poverty for exemple in ghettos.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-02-2017 07:34
Pas de rouge/rose sur les forums, merci.


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