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Bac/Myths and heroes

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Bac/Myths and heroes
Message de zzzzaaa posté le 14-02-2017 à 16:06:41 (S | E | F)
le Bac oral approche et je prépare mes notions. J n'ai pas un excellent niveau en anglais mais je voudrais proposer quelque chose de propre, du coup si quelqu'un pouvait s'il vous plait me surligner les éventuelles erreurs ça m'aiderait
Merci pour vos réponses.

I have to present the notion « Myth & Heroes » but I choosed to concentrate on the notion of myth. A myth is something that gives the identity of a people or of a nation. I’m going to talk about iconic roads in USA and in particular about the road 66.
To what extent can we say that road 66 is a part of the American myth & history ?
First of all, I’ll talk about the place of road 66 in the American culture and then, I’ll talk about the recent forfeiture of route 66.

I - On one hand, the road 66 is a part of the American myth :
* Indeed, road 66 is also known as the “motheroad” because :
-It is an olad road built in the 30s during crisis so R66 is an important part of the American history.
-it was the main road, a model for all other roads.
-It gave life to America by making a link between East & West in order to transport the goods.

* Moreover, R66 expressed the American culture :
-First, it showed the American dream with idea of freedom with big empty spaces, the will to “going to the west” etc
-Americain culture is also express with bigs cars, travelling, long distances (road 66’s length is about 3000km and it crosses 8 states), moreover the diners, motels, petrol stations along the road. The homely places also known as “moms & pops places”.

* Furthermore, R66 is a part of the American history :
-There were mythical migrations because of Dust Storm that obliged farmers to use R66 to go West.
-R66 looks like the Lewis & Clark expedition’s itinerary from 1802 to 1806 when they explored the West.

II – But on the other hand, it’s the beginning of the end for R66 :
* First R66 is no longer used :
-Because of the birth of the interstates in 50s, R66 has been abandoned by drivers because it’s not enough efficient.
-Then a lot of businesses along the road went out of business so R66 is less attractive. It is revealed by rusty signs.

* Why ? Ways of thinking have changed :
-Nowadays, people just rush to their destination without take their time. They prefer standardized but fast restaurants (fast-food) and drive-thru instead of homely diners. That’s why they’re not many Moms & Pops places left on the route 66.

* Nonetheless, some people want to keep the magic alive :
-For example, a couple took over a motel to do things their way. They want a unique style for their business unlike “impersonal fast food”.
-Some people next generation is the future American culture so if they want R66 to be a part of the future culture they have to teach their kids.

In a nutshell, R66 is a part of the American myth because it gives the identity of America and on the other hand we have to preserve it and to pass it on to future generation if we want to keep it alive. It’s a kind of cultural legacy.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2017 16:35

Réponse : Bac/Myths and heroes de laure95, postée le 14-02-2017 à 18:09:42 (S | E)
-I have to present: I am going to present est mieux.
- I choosed: verbe irrégulier!!!
- in (article)USA

I - On (article) one hand, the road 66 is a (pas besoin de A)part of the American myth :
-olad: ?
- during (article)crisis
-it was the main road, a model for all other roads.

- * Moreover, R66 expressed (mettre au présent)the American culture :
-First, it showed (présent)the American dream with (article)idea of freedom
- Americain (mot français) culture is also express (participe passé)

- * Furthermore, R66 is a (pas besoin de A)part of the American history :
-the Lewis & Clark expedition’s: pas d'article devant un nom de personne).

II - without take their time: without + verbe + -ing.
- That’s why they’re ( they're = ils sont) not many Moms & Pops places left on the route 66.

- Some people next generation: ?

- to pass it on to (article)future generation


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