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Text /new words

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Text /new words
Message de zahira posté le 21-02-2017 à 00:03:04 (S | E | F)
How can you find What do you think of my text? are there any mistakes? actually , I found some new words in a book that I am reading in English , and I used them in this text .

One day , I went to the shore , i was diging a little pit in the sand.Suddenly , i saw my cousin leila , i was astonished , i stared a lot at her , i demand to my sister to pinch me .I wondered if she comes from england to the beach without visiting us first , I chuckle. my sister ,me and her were craving to eat (it was time for lunch) but , we practice sport first till we were gasping , then we head to a near restaurant , my cousin gave me a beautifull book which is "the adversary secret " of agatha christy , i was motivated to fathom this book , a whirl came ,squaerly we went to the beach and played until the lurk of the last solar beam, we passed time looking the sky . wow what is a idiosycrasy panorama, Finally ,we return to home .

Edited by lucile83 on 21-02-2017 06:23
You have to write I, not i

Réponse : Text /new words de here4u, postée le 21-02-2017 à 09:38:49 (S | E)
Hello Zahira !

Yes!Lucile is right to insist ! If you don't capitalize "I", that's a mistake!

One day , I went to the shore = a beach? , i was diging a little pit in the sand.Suddenly , i saw my cousin leila , i was astonished , i stared a lot at her(why did you stare at her? "staring" is rude...) , i demand voc= FAUX AMI= EXIGER; + temps! to my sister to pinch me .I wondered if she comes= temps from england to the beach without visiting us first , I chuckle. my sister ,me and her =très maladroit! ) were craving to eat (it was time for lunch) but , we practice = voc + tempssport first till we were gasping , then we head to a near restaurant , my cousin gave me a beautifull book which is "the adversary secret " of agatha christy , i was motivated to fathom (trop fort ici!)this book , a whirl came from where? just like that,squaerly= not English. ) we went to the beach and played until the lurk of the last solar beam,= français traduit qui n'est pas anglais!) we passed time looking XX the sky . wow what is a idiosycras nom! panorama,not English! Finally ,we return to home .

Revoir toutes les majuscules ... Attention aussi au passé de narration ... Ne pas utiliser des mots pour les "placer" si le contexte ne s'y prête pas ... Essayer de penser en anglais et de ne pas traduire du français. Courage !

Réponse : Text /new words de gerondif, postée le 21-02-2017 à 09:41:10 (S | E)
I wondered if or I wondered why ?
Agatha Christie

Réponse : Text /new words de phil512, postée le 21-02-2017 à 11:41:58 (S | E)
You won't want to keep "diging", will you (spelling).
That's an easy one to correct😊

Réponse : Text /new words de lemagemasque, postée le 21-02-2017 à 20:18:05 (S | E)
Adjectives ending with the affix -ful doesn't take a double -l- : meaningful, rightful, playful... Only "full" (My dreams are full of colours/colourful/I'm full up) takes two.

Phil512 : Won't want is an interesting pleonasm.

See you!

Réponse : Text /new words de phil512, postée le 23-02-2017 à 20:06:37 (S | E)
Hello lemagemasque,
Thanks... and apologies (not my best day, I wasn't too happy either). But afterwards, I found it interesting too😊

Hello zahira,
Let me put it this way :
You won't keep "diging", will you. (spelling)
That's an easy one to correct😊


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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