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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/article presse
Message de djouldjou posté le 20-04-2017 à 18:01:48 (S | E | F)
Je dois écrire un article de presse au sujet d'un sport en lien avec le Canada pour Mardi. Je suis en 3e.
Pourriez-vous corriger mon texte s'il vous plait?
Merci d'avance.

The skating is a sport consisting in sliding, is on an ice-cold surface (channels, rivers, ice-cold lakes or ice rinks) with skates in glaceun sport and an art executed on the ice with skates with blades
The figure skating is one of the tests of the skating which is an art executed on the ice with skates with blades. This sport allies athletic, technical exploit, gives rhythm and elegance.
Now, let’s talk about the history of this fabulous sport :
The figure skating is one of older sports which exist. Originally as skis, ice skating were a means of transport and of hunting. They were then in skin of animal and the blade was in polite bone. People moved on the ice to cross on the other side of the river by means of his its famous ice skating. Quickly, the ice skating becomes an entertainment, in the Scandinavian countries where the ice-cold surfaces are numerous. In winter, families gathered on lakes frozen to slide and have fun.... Until they begin to jump, to turn seeing that we can do many things on skates. The first artificial ice rink was made in London in 1876 and the first club of skating in Edinburgh in 1742. The skater who began to make popular the figure skating was Sonya Henie. This Norwegian skater established a real dynasty of the figure skating. This sport has come a long way since 2000 years. Today, it became a discipline of the Winter Olympics which is only practised or in couple, and where we make acrobatic tricks as pirouettes, jumps… The skate evolved a lot in particular: of a simple blade attached to shoes by leather laces, we pass in a leather bootee at which we aim at a blade under the sole. The bootee is leather and maintains the ankle. The blade is steel special very hard. For the figure skating, the skaters wear dresses adapted to the theme of their program. Three disciplines are present: free Style, dance and synchronism.
The free style: is divided in the "solo" skating men(people) and ladies, there is also a free style for couples
The dance: which is a discipline for couples which dance steps and coréographies on the ice
The synchronized skating: which is very popular in the local clubs where several skaters make the same figures and the movement at the same time on the ice.
This sport has a link with Canada, why? Simply, with its 25 Olympic medals, Canada is one of the world powers of the discipline. The couple Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir in Vancouver 2010, four years earlier had taken away the golden medal. They were the first Canadians to become Olympic champions in ice dance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-04-2017 00:19


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