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Bac/Idea of progress

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Bac/Idea of progress
Message de lillou99 posté le 06-05-2017 à 12:11:08 (S | E | F)
Quelqu'un pourrait il corriger mon oral d'anglais s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.

I’m going to talk about the notion ''Idea of progress''. First let me define the notion ; progress is a gradual betterment, especially a progressive development of humankind. The progress can be social, economical, scientific, or even cultural. To illustrate the notion, we can take the example of the Sixties. Indeed, The Sixties were for many the golden age of the UK, where happened many radical changes, and progress in many fields. In what way has the sixties made life better. My documents are a recording called ´´memories of the sixties´´ and my second document is entitled still a man s world.

My first document is a recording entitled ''Memories of the sixties´´. We can hear a man, called Pete being asked : What does the Sixties represent for you? For him, the sixties are the decade in which technological breakthroughs were achieved. It was the era when people finally could access to color TV, transistor radios. He praises the advances of the Sixties as well as the cultural changes that took place. Indeed, people discovered new music styles and many iconic objects, such as the miniskirt, the Austin mini, the Hover Craft, and the Post Office Tower. Moreover, qccording to him ; people were better off and could afford to buy many items. Through Pete s memories, we can say that people´s optimism gave wings to the Great Britain during the whole decade, making it a golden age. That doc illustrates the notion of progress, in so far as it depicts all the changes that occurred at that time. They enabled people to feel freer, to afford to by most things on offer. All that progress made this decade more liberal.

We saw that many radical changes have occurred in the sixties, leading to progress in many fields. However, there was also social progress.

We should bear in mind that there was also social progress through the empowerment of women. My second document is an extract from. The text deals with the encounter between Rita, her underpaid female co-workers and Mrs Castle the secretary of s for e. These women genuinely think that as women they deserve the same pay as men. They try to convince Mrs Castle to support their cause. She promises to be on their side, but they have to be patient. Rita, the leader remains firm and shows an unexpected will to change things. Finally Mrs Castle decides to negotiate. This extract shows the power men had over women in the workplace. Women were not treated on an equal footing when it comes to their pay. It perfectly illustrates this notion because, in the 60s women started to become aware of the injustice they were suffering and stood strong for their rights. It's considered as social progress.

To conclude, Both documents show us the progress that has occurred in that decade, contributing to a better life. Indeed, that decade has left its mark in our current everyday lifestyle. Indeed, On the one hand there was a cultural, an economical and a technological progress : such as music, clothes TV. On the other hand there was social progress like the women liberation. In my opinion it was the greatest progress in history since, thanks to that period, many people have enjoyed a higher standard of living.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-05-2017 21:18

Réponse : Bac/Idea of progress de laure95, postée le 06-05-2017 à 18:12:28 (S | E)
- where happened many radical changes, and progress in many fields: ordre des mots.
- In what way has the sixties made life better. (? pas .)

- It was the era when people finally could (have)access to color TV
- doc
- to by (orthographe) most things

- My second document is an extract from : from what?
- She promises (traduire elles)to be on their side,
- Women were (présent) not treated on an equal footing
-when it comes to their pay.

-the (enlever the) women (marque de la possession)liberation.

Réponse : Bac/Idea of progress de lillou99, postée le 06-05-2017 à 18:27:32 (S | E)
Merci vraiment

I’m going to talk about the notion ´´Idea of progress´´. First let me define the notion ; progress is a gradual betterment, especially a progressive development of humankind. The progress can be social, economical, scientific, or even cultural. To illustrate the notion, we can take the example of the Sixties. Indeed, The Sixties were for many the golden age of the UK, where happened many radical changes, and progress in many fields. In what way has the sixties made life better ? My documents are a recording called ´´memories of the sixties´´ and my second document is entitled still a man s world.

My first document is a recording entitled ''Memories of the sixties´´. We can hear a man, called Pete being asked : What does the Sixties represent for you? For him, the sixties are the decade in which technological breakthroughs were achieved. It was the era when people finally could have access to color TV, transistor radios. He praises the advances of the Sixties as well as the cultural changes that took place. Indeed, people discovered new music styles and many iconic objects, such as the miniskirt, the Austin mini, the Hover Craft, and the Post Office Tower. Moreover, qccording to him ; people were better off and could afford to buy many items. Through Pete s memories, we can say that people´s optimism gave wings to the Great Britain during the whole decade, making it a golden age. That document illustrates the notion of progress, in so far as it depicts all the changes that occurred at that time. They enabled people to feel freer, to afford to buy most things on offer. All that progress made this decade more liberal.

We saw that many radical changes have occurred in the sixties, leading to progress in many fields. However, there was also social progress.

We should bear in mind that there was also social progress through the empowerment of women.

My second document is an extract from a book. The text deals with the encounter between Rita, her underpaid female co-workers and Mrs Castle the secretary of s for e. These women genuinely think that as women they deserve the same pay as men. They try to convince Mrs Castle to support their cause. She promises them to be on their side, but they have to be patient. Rita, the leader remains firm and shows an unexpected will to change things. Finally Mrs Castle decides to negotiate. This extract shows the power men had over women in the workplace. Women are not treated on an equal footing, when it comes to their pay. It perfectly illustrates this notion because, in the 60s women started to become aware of the injustice they were suffering and stood strong for their rights. It's considered as social progress.

To conclude, Both documents show us the progress that has occurred in that decade, contributing to a better life. Indeed, that decade has left its mark in our current everyday lifestyle. Indeed, On the one hand there was a cultural, an economical and a technological progress : such as music, clothes TV. On the other hand there was social progress like women's liberation. In my opinion it was the greatest progress in history since, thanks to that period, many people have enjoyed a higher standard of living.


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