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Spaces and exchanges/Bac

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Spaces and exchanges/Bac
Message de trao posté le 15-05-2017 à 16:16:10 (S | E | F)
je suis en TES et je prépare mes oraux pour le Bac en anglais LV1, j'aimerais savoir si c'est bien et avoir une correction s'il vous plait.
Merci pour vos réponses !

I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. To begin with, I'd like to give a definition of exchange. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, information . in 2017, United Kingdom voted to leave European Union. How does Brexit show the rise in nationalist feelings? First, UK wanted to leave a ship which take the water, then the problem of immigration caused a rejection from a foreigner.

The crisis of the euro zone which does not finish any, the bailing of Greece with thousand million euro blows (in which the United Kingdom did not participate), the shipwrecks of the migrants maintain the British vision of failure of European plan. By contrast, dynamism found since two years of the British economy consolidates in the idea that it is high time “to be detached from this corpse” to survive and thrive. In class, we’ve seen an article from Times which tells that the British want to leave the EU imposes too many restrictions on the UK with the euro and the immigration.

For several years a feeling of \"too full\" in Great Britain spreads, More half of the net immigration in Great Britain comes from the European Union, especially from Eastern countries (Poland, Romania. ) Freedom of traffic of the breast in the European Union prevents London from acting on these flows. So, the government hardened criteria of entrance for countries besides of the world. Some people think that except the EU, the United Kingdom could finally take back the control of its borders and of its migration policy.

To conclude, I think that Brexit shows that in UK, British are attached to their countries, and they want to be autonomous economically. They want to give some soverneighty and take decisions for themselves.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-05-2017 22:39

Réponse : Spaces and exchanges/Bac de laure95, postée le 15-05-2017 à 17:12:11 (S | E)
- The (pas de the) exchanges can appear o
- in (majuscule)2017, (article) United Kingdom voted to leave (article)European Union.
- First, UK wanted to leave a ship which take (faute de conjugaison)the water, then the problem of immigration (has)caused

- which does not finish any: ?
- the bailing of Greece with thousand million euro (pluriel)blows (mettre au présent en be+-ing)
- the British vision of (article) failure of (article) European plan.
- since (pas le bon mot ici)two years
- we’ve seen an article from Times which tells (une personne raconte, pas un article)that the British want to leave the EU (il manque des mots)imposes too many restrictions on the UK with the euro and the immigration.

- For several years a feeling of \"too full\" in Great Britain spreads (present perfect),
- the net: ?
- (article)Freedom of traffic
- So, the government (has)hardened criteria of entrance for countries besides of (pas de of)the world.

Pas de référence à un ou des documents dans la seconde partie?

Réponse : Spaces and exchanges/Bac de dsmith, postée le 16-05-2017 à 14:27:24 (S | E)
Bonjour trao,

Very good work. I have marked some places that need corrections. Have a good day!

I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. To begin with, I'd like to give a definition of exchange. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, information . in 2017, definite article United Kingdom voted to leave definite article European Union. How does Brexit show the rise in nationalist feelings? First, definite article UK wanted to leave a ship which take the water, then the problem of immigration caused a rejection from a foreigner.

The crisis of the euro zone which does not finish any (I don't understand), the bailing another word needed here - phrasal verb of Greece with thousand million euro blows (in which the United Kingdom did not participate), the shipwrecks of the migrants maintain the British vision of failure of definite article European plan. By contrast, definite article dynamism found since two years of the British economy consolidates in the idea that it is high time “to be detached from this corpse” to survive and thrive. In class, we’ve seen an article from definite article Times which tells (use the verb "to say") that the British want to leave the EU (missing a word here) imposes too many restrictions on the UK with the euro and the immigration.

For several years a feeling of \"too full\" in Great Britain spreads, More (missing a word here) half of the net immigration in Great Britain comes from the European Union, especially from Eastern countries (Poland, Romania. ) Freedom of traffic of the breast in the European Union prevents London from acting on these flows. So, the government hardened criteria of entrance for countries besides of the world. Some people think that except the EU, the United Kingdom could finally take back the (remove) control of its borders and of its migration policy.

To conclude, I think that Brexit shows that in definite article UK, definite article British are attached to their countries, and they want to be autonomous economically. They want to give some soverneighty (misspelled) and take decisions for themselves.

Réponse : Spaces and exchanges/Bac de trao, postée le 20-05-2017 à 10:04:09 (S | E)
merci pour les corrections,
je n'ai pas beaucoup de documents car on a peu étudié cette notion cette année.
Merci encore bonne journée.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-05-2017 14:12


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