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Places and Forms of Power/Bac

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Places and Forms of Power/Bac
Message de manon52 posté le 03-06-2017 à 16:00:47 (S | E | F)
voici ma 2e ppc, pouvez-vous m'indiquer les fautes s'il vous plait?
encore merci infiniment !!

Seats and forms of power
I’m going to talk about the notion “Seats/ place and forms of power”. The power is the ability (= capacité ) to exercise a control about somebody, but leads (= conduit ) generally to conflicts. In order to live together(= ensemble ) members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This can also lead (= contribute ) to conflicts and tensions. Nowadays / Today , new technologies are present in our (= nos) life, We couldn’t live without. They improve our daily (= ells améliore notre quotidient) and continue to evolve. With new technologies , is easier to be informed , we can find everything on internet ( = on peut tout trouver ) at any time ( = a tout moment )
I will talk about the role of social networks then about the rise of counter powers and the limits of citizens empowerment: powers versus counter powers .

I/ The role of social networks :
Today citizen can share information and coordinate their actions quickly via social networks and mobile phones without wing traditional media
- Social networks can allow (= peut permettre ) people to meet (= de se réunir ) as (= comme) for example for a flash mobs to share something which is a gathering of people in a public place when they dance, sing and stand up for a cause . They are arranged on social networks before dance.
Attitude of people before the show is normal for not to look suspicious. And when the show start, The shoppers were stopped activity to watch the show. Because It was quite unusual to them ( = c’est inabituel), it was an unexpected event (= inattendu), they had never seen anything like that before (= ils n'avaient jamais vu quelque chose comme cela avant), the show ended to general applause.
during a flash mobs people gather (= se rassemble ) for a cultural activities, Whereas (= tandis que ) during a flash looting people gather to rob other people and insists on the dark aspects of such meetings. ( = les aspects sombres de ces reunions )

II/ The rise of counter powers
today, people can't make this they want but, they can be heard
- Like for example the “99% movement” in 2001, in wall street people people demonstrated to express their discontent for better living and working conditions.
because 99 % of the population is poor and denounces high unemployment (= chomage élevé ) and inequalities in the US and the poorest can’t make ends meet (= n’arrive pas à joindre les deux bouts) . The situation of the 99% was tough (= dure) , they don’t have access to internet, and they don’t have cars so they took public transit (= transport en commun). The movement spread rapidly because people from all sides supported the movement with social networks

III/ the limits and problems of NT:
- In a Totalitarian country people were influenced . They control their population, who have a lot of contradiction and they must not (= doivent pas) write what they think.
- The NT must cause inequality between poor and rich because not everyone can have mobile or computer and discriminations like racisms
- radio was used for the propaganda, on the second ware and a genocide of millions of jews.

To conclude News technologies can have good effects on the life of people, by meeting other peoples as bad effects with people who meet to steal or to scram. New technologies are very good for the daily but they have limits.
So New technologies are very present in the life of everybody , they have revolutionized the world.
The progress is a form of power because we can control everything and people can express their opinions and we can say that Media have power to control or influence people mind and new media has more liberty because are little censorship (= censure) and little controle on some sites

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-06-2017 21:43


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