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Message from baodali posted on 20-12-2015 at 05:38:00 (D | E | F)
I have read a sentence:
"Agriculture was a step in human progress and subsequently there was no anything comparable to it until our own machine age."
the phrase "comparable to" which I think should have been replaced with "compared with" is incorrect, right?

In addition, "he did very well in the examination, which surprised all of us." Can I use "AS" instead of "WHICH"?
Thanks a lot for any reply!!

Edited by lucile83 on 20-12-2015 07:54

Re: Participle/adjective from lucile83, posted on 20-12-2015 at 09:01:31 (D | E)
"comparable to" and "compared with" are similar.

"he did very well in the examination,which surprised all of us." Can I use "AS" instead of "WHICH"? ...No, because 'which' replaces the first part of the sentence (he did very well in the examination).
The fact that he did very well surprised us.

Re: Participle/adjective from gerondif, posted on 20-12-2015 at 11:12:48 (D | E)
"Agriculture was a step in human progress and subsequently there was no anything comparable to it until our own machine age."
no anything looks wrong to me.
"Agriculture was a step in human progress and subsequently there was nothing comparable to it until our own machine age."
"Agriculture was a step in human progress and subsequently there wasn't anything comparable to it until our own machine age."
"Agriculture was a step in human progress and subsequently there was hardly anything comparable to it until our own machine age."
"Agriculture was a step in human progress and subsequently there was scarcely anything comparable to it until our own machine age."

"As/since he did very well in the examination, it surprised all of us."

Edited by lucile83 on 20-12-2015 14:19

Re: Participle/adjective from baodali, posted on 20-12-2015 at 11:32:40 (D | E)
thanks a lot

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