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Punctuation/- and ;

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Punctuation/- and ;
Message from siis posted on 02-05-2017 at 22:42:12 (D | E | F)
Hello everyone!
Please I'd like you to discuss about colon and semicolon ( : and ; )
How do we use them in sentences?
When do we use colon and when do we use semicolon?
Thanks for any reply.

Edited by lucile83 on 03-05-2017 06:54

Re: Punctuation/- and ; from soei, posted on 03-05-2017 at 02:58:15 (D | E)
Colon is between a comma and a full stop. It joins a main clause and a noun. " I only lost one thing: my key."
For unequal parts we use a colon not a semicolon.
Semicolons separate two main clauses that are closely related to each other but could stand on their own as a sentence. They are sometimes used instead of full stops, in cases where sentences are grammatically independent but the meaning is closely connected. They are not as common as full stops or commas. "Some people work best in the mornings; others do better in the evenings ." Commas are not possible in these cases.
In fact colons are used : before a list, an explanation, an example, etc. But semicolons are used to separate parts of a sentence or items in a list.
Best regards

Re: Punctuation/- and ; from lucile83, posted on 03-05-2017 at 07:00:19 (D | E)
Here is a link about English punctuation: Link

Re: Punctuation/- and ; from siis, posted on 03-05-2017 at 07:45:24 (D | E)
I greatly appreciate your help!
Thank you very much indeed!

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Forum > English only



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