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Change one letter ....
Message de vmg posté le 08-01-2005 à 19:59:31 (S | E | F | I)

En partant du mot donné , changez la première lettre pour former un nouveau mot (that's an easy one !)

A source of enjoyment or amusement :...............
A hair style in which long hair is gathered at the back of the head :........
A play on word : .............
A female member of a religious order :..................
To move on foot at a rapid pace : ..................

j'en ai quelques autres si ça vous dit !!!

Réponse: re:Change one letter .... de gewurz, postée le 08-01-2005 à 20:06:56 (S | E)
A source of enjoyment or amusement : FUN
A hair style in which long hair is gathered at the back of the head : BUN
A play on word : PUN
A female member of a religious order :NUN
To move on foot at a rapid pace : RUN

Merci Vmg.

Réponse: re:Change one letter .... de bobbyker, postée le 08-01-2005 à 20:10:39 (S | E)
Merci vmg pour ce petit jeu fort sympathique ma foi

A source of enjoyment or amusement : FUN
A hair style in which long hair is gathered at the back of the head : BUN
A play on word : PUN
A female member of a religious order : NUN
To move on foot at a rapid pace : RUN

Réponse: re:Change one letter .... de salsify, postée le 08-01-2005 à 20:27:34 (S | E)
A source of enjoyment or amusement :.....FUN..........
A hair style in which long hair is gathered at the back of the head :...BUN.....
A play on word : ...PUN..........
A female member of a religious order :....NUN..............
To move on foot at a rapid pace : .....RUN.............

Merci pour l'exercice. C'est assez amusant.

Réponse: re:Change one letter .... de marit64, postée le 09-01-2005 à 00:10:47 (S | E)

A source of enjoyment or amusement :fun
A hair style in which long hair is gathered at the back of the head :bun
A play on word : pun
A female member of a religious order :nun
To move on foot at a rapid pace :run

vmg: it's a pleasant exercise.

Réponse: re:Change one letter .... de edith49, postée le 09-01-2005 à 01:07:41 (S | E)

A source of enjoyment or amusement :Fun
A hair style in which long hair is gathered at the back of the head :Bun
A play on word : Pun
A female member of a religious order :Nun
To move on foot at a rapid pace : Run

Réponse: re:Change one letter .... de serena, postée le 09-01-2005 à 01:25:45 (S | E)
Quel exercice !!

A source of enjoyment or amusement : FUN
A hair style in which long hair is gathered at the back of the head : BUN
A play on word : PUN
A female member of a religious order : NUN
To move on foot at a rapid pace : RUN

Merci vmg !

Réponse: re:Change one letter .... de speedjo905, postée le 09-01-2005 à 04:50:47 (S | E)
A source of enjoyment or amusement : fun
A hair style in which long hair is gathered at the back of the head :
A play on word : bun
A female member of a religious order : pun
To move on foot at a rapid pace : run

Réponse: re:Change one letter .... de grabuge, postée le 09-01-2005 à 13:18:22 (S | E)

A source of enjoyment or amusement :FUN
A hair style in which long hair is gathered at the back of the head :BUN
A play on word : PUN
A female member of a religious order :NUN
To move on foot at a rapid pace : RUN

Réponse: re:Change one letter .... de vmg, postée le 10-01-2005 à 10:33:48 (S | E)
Well done !

A source of enjoyment or amusement :FUN
A hair style in which long hair is gathered at the back of the head :BUN
A play on word : PUN
A female member of a religious order :NUN
To move on foot at a rapid pace : RUN

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