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The letter
Message de marit64 posté le 09-01-2005 à 22:25:52 (S | E | F | I)

to all of you.

Here is another exercise. As usual, you have to find the words beginning with the letter "F"

1- What is lighter than a...............?
2- When your hand is closed or clenched you are making a..............
3- If you are a celebrity you also have a lot of...............
4- Skin is also another name for this..............
5- Doctors are always telling us to eat more.................
6- To wash or cleanse by means of a strong flow of water................
7- Tables, chairs, sofas and coffee tables are called...............
8- During the winter..............rain presents a constant hazard.
9- Bill and Jane are like..............and water, they don't get along.
10-In the springtime...............bloom in the................

Good luck everyone, you're my

Modifié par marit64 le 26-01-2005 22:25

Réponse: re:The letter "F" part 3 de clarinette, postée le 09-01-2005 à 22:33:43 (S | E)
réponses en
1- What is lighter than a.FEATHER..?
2- When your hand is closed or clenched you are making a..............
3- If you are a celebrity you also have a lot of.FREIND ..
4- Skin is also another name for this..
5- Doctors are always telling us to eat more..FRUIT AND NOT FAT
6- To wash or cleanse by means of a strong flow of water.FALL
7- Tables, chairs, sofas and coffee tables are called.FURNITURE.
8- During the winter.FLOOD.rain presents a constant hazard.
9- Bill and Jane are like..FIRE.and water, they don't get along.
10-In the springtime.FLOWERS..............bloom in the.FOREST

Réponse: re:The letter "F" part 3 de gewurz, postée le 09-01-2005 à 22:41:02 (S | E)
1- What is lighter than a FIRE ?
2- When your hand is closed or clenched you are making a FIST
3- If you are a celebrity you also have a lot of FAME
4- Skin is also another name for this FUR
5- Doctors are always telling us to eat more FRUIT
6- To wash or cleanse by means of a strong flow of water FALL
7- Tables, chairs, sofas and coffee tables are called FURNITURE
8- During the winter FALLING rain presents a constant hazard.
9- Bill and Jane are like FIRE and water, they don't get along.
10-In the springtime FLOWERS bloom in theFOREST

Merci Marit.
Le niveau s'accroît.
Je n'ose pas voir le part 10

Réponse: re:The letter "F" part 3 de speedjo905, postée le 09-01-2005 à 23:39:15 (S | E)
1- What is lighter than a fuel?
2- When your hand is closed or clenched you are making a fight.
3- If you are a celebrity you also have a lot of fan.
4- Skin is also another name for this flesh.
5- Doctors are always telling us to eat more fruit.
6- To wash or cleanse by means of a strong flow of water
7- Tables, chairs, sofas and coffee tables are called furniture.
8- During the winter falling rain presents a constant hazard.
9- Bill and Jane are like fire and water, they don't get along.
10-In the springtime flowers bloom in the forest.

Réponse: re:The letter "F" part 3 de bobbyker, postée le 10-01-2005 à 00:19:41 (S | E)
Hi marit64

1- What is lighter than a FEATHER ?
2- When your hand is closed or clenched you are making a FIGHT
3- If you are a celebrity you also have a lot of FAME
4- Skin is also another name for this
5- Doctors are always telling us to eat more FRUITS
6- To wash or cleanse by means of a strong FLOW of water
7- Tables, chairs, sofas and coffee tables are called FURNITURES
8- During the winter FALLING rain presents a constant hazard.
9- Bill and Jane are like FIRE and water, they don't get along.
10-In the springtime FLOWERS bloom in the FORESTS.

Pour la 6eme phrase, FLOW n'était-il pas le mot à trouver? Sinon, je donne ma langue au chat (avec la 4, ça lui fait une belle collection ... )

Réponse: re:The letter "F" part 3 de salsify, postée le 11-01-2005 à 10:59:26 (S | E)
1- What is lighter than a.....FLAME..........?
2- When your hand is closed or clenched you are making a..............
3- If you are a celebrity you also have a lot of.....FANS..........
4- Skin is also another name for this....FUR..........
5- Doctors are always telling us to eat more......FRUITS...........
6- To wash or cleanse by means of a strong flow of water.....????......
7- Tables, chairs, sofas and coffee tables are called....FURNITURE.........
8- During the winter......FROZEN........rain presents a constant hazard.
9- Bill and Jane are like.....FIRE.........and water, they don't get along.
10-In the springtime.....FLOWERS..........bloom in the.....FOREST...........

Merci pour l'exercice.

Réponse: re:The letter "F" part 3 de chantalex, postée le 12-01-2005 à 18:52:41 (S | E)
1-what is lighter than a FIRE
2-When your hand is closed or clenched you are making a FIGHT
3-If you are a celebrity you also have a lot of FAN
4-Skin is also another name for this.......
5-Doctors are always telling us to eat more FRUIT
6-To wash or cleanse by means of a strong FLOW !!!!!of water
7- Tables,chairs,sofas and coffee tables are called FURNITURE
8-During the winter FALLING,rain presents a constant hazard
9-Bill and Jane are like FIRE and water,they don't get along
10-In the springtime,FLOWERS bloom in the FOREST.

Clin d'oeil pour l'exercice.

Réponse: re:The letter "F" part 3 de marit64, postée le 12-01-2005 à 22:25:22 (S | E)
Congratulations everyone You worked very well and I'm proud of you.

Now, here are the answers:

1- feather
2- fist
3- fame or friends or fans
4- flesh
5- fruits or fibers
6- flush
7- furniture ( no "S", it's an uncountable name.)
8- freezing
9- fire
10-field or forest

I'll give you another one in a moment.

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